I'm quite a mess when people ask me if I'm a feminist or not. Part of me wants to BURN them(not literally,sarcastically) for asking such a stupid question, part of me wants to sit down and talk about life of them and part of me just wants to say "Obviously" in Severus Snape's voice. I don't know about others,but I just don't see the reason for NOT being a feminist.
Feminism,by definition, means equality of the genders. It does not mean considering women to be superior than Men, nor does it mean to interpret men as some blood sucking demons(I mean, hating them). Feminism simply means equality of the genders,and nothing else. Personally,I do not like the name "feminism".It implies that it has something to do with solely Women,like it's about worshiping Women and disdaining Men,while it clearly is not. Of course much of the inequality affects Women,it does not mean that Men are in heaven or something.The society has come limiting factors for them too.
My view is that,our life should not be decided by one single chromosome. We should be able to do and think whatever we want,regardless of our X & Y chromosomes.
I am just going to mention some "small" issues today,which in fact,do not seem very small to me. You know,in Disney movies,how the Princesses marry the Princes that save them? It's all very romantic and rainbows and sparkles,but before we even think about why a Woman would marry a Man she just met, why does ALWAYS a Prince save the Princess? Why does she need to be "saved"? It plants a seed in little girl's brains,which results in a humungus tree,and I tell you,that tree ain't doing anything to reduce Global Warming. Forgive my dark sense of humor,but there is no better way to put it. It just pisses me off so much,seeing that Disney is making all the girls think that there will be Prince Charming to save them. As much as people would like to believe it,this is NOT true. Believe me, I have seen many grown-up Women,waiting for their Husbands/Boyfriends to solve problems. It's almost like,they do not even BELIEVE that they can do it. Let me tell you something,if you want equal rights,you have to put in equal amount of efforts,lady. That might sound harsh,but I am not about Sugarcoating,for Diabetics is a filthy disease. The point is,Disney needs to change.The media needs to change. Instead of picturing girls as beautiful,vulnerable Princesses, picture them as beautiful,strong Warriors. We need more Elsa-s, more Hermione-s, to inspire our girls.
So when we are talking about Gender equality, it's quite hypocritical to leave the other gender behind. As I said,we cannot assume Men have it easy (though they kinda do,but still). SO,in our society,since their early childhood,boys are taught not to cry. "Aren't you a strong man? Of course you are. And let me tell you, strong Men do not cry." I mean,have you heard anything RIDICULOUS than this? And yet,all boys at some point of their lives are told this,directly or indirectly. I just do not get the logic behind this. Men maybe physically stronger than Women, but does that make them invincible? It does NOT. How do you expect a person to survive without letting some of their pain,their anger out? Is it even humane? And why is it okay for Women to cry? Because they are weak? I am speaking from personal experience, I have met far more stronger Women than Men (not a generalization, just experience)
So,what's my point? My point is to make people realize when they make that face when they hear the word feminism is just WRONG. How can you not want gender equality? Seriously,if you are not a feminist,you need to look at yourself in the mirror and explain "Why not." And like Emma Watson said, "If not now,when? If not me,who?" But we should not just promote #HeForShe,but also #SheForHe because,well,Y chromosomes and testosterone is not always going to be enough.
If my mere try made you even think about this issue for a minute,I would consider myself successful. It is high time you thought about this. "If not now,when?"
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