Saturday, November 29, 2014

Two sides of a same coin

Anyways, I can bore you with the specification of  my laptop, but I am feeling merciful today,so NO. 
But I had a very interesting conversation with my uncle on the way back home from Best Buy. He asked me about what is my major of choice when I go to college. And me being me, obviously said Astronomy. Because let's face it guys, ASTRONOMY IS AWESOME. Prior to this, we were talking about books, especially fiction books. My uncle being the college professor he is, asked me, "Given your love for fiction and writing, and also something so structured like Astronomy, I don't understand how your brain actually work. Have you ever thought about it?" And I was bewildered for a second. I have never given this much thought. I love Science and Math and I also love fiction and stuff like that. My uncle's point is, Science and Math are structured, in these subjects, something IS or IS NOT. But fiction,well,everything IS and IS NOT at the same time. They are very opposite indeed. So how do I love both of these concept? And where did Astronomy come from?

So I started to think (Oh Mourin). The fact is, I love Science and Math, I love the fact that it is structured, everything has an answer (Other than what happens if you divide something with 0) and it is oddly comforting. It makes me feel safe, somehow. There is so many questions in life that is unanswered, I don't want anymore weird unanswerable questions. They make me feel incapable and useless. I love the power Science and Math gives me, the power to answer.The power of knowing.

And then there is fiction. I know I am going to utterly contradict myself, but I love fiction. I rarely read real life books, because I don't need anymore normal stuff. I mean, normal is boring. I think fiction widens your vision, makes you think the unthinkable, question the unanswerable. And most importantly, it makes you imagine. I think we all agree upon the fact that imagination is beautiful. The early science and mythology was based on the imagination of fertile brains. Without imagination, we would never have Science. And sometimes, you just need fiction. I can't help but quote Rainbow Rowell here.

"Why do we write fiction?"
"To disappear." 
I can't agree with this statement more. Sometimes the real world becomes too much to handle, too real to take in. And you just need to disappear for a while. What can be better than getting lost in a world which could have been, if things turned out differently? What better way to get lost than pick up a book and just jump in a different world? It's like going to a different universe through wormholes. And that's where Astronomy comes in.

If you think about it, Astronomy is the best of both worlds.It has both Science and imagination. You don't know what happens at the other side of a black hole, you don't know what singularity is, you don't know what was there before big bang. There are so many unanswered questions which are related to our very existence. And you can't JUST use science to answer them, you need imagination as well. You have to let your imagination run wild, then use science to prove your point. Giordano Bruno only imagined that we are not in the center of universe, he did not have any scientific proof. But his imagination turned out to be true. It is fascinating, really. How Astronomy combines fiction and science, the two opposites. It is like the two face of a same coin again, just in this case the coin is like soooooooooooooooooooooo huge,it's crazy.


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Something to be grateful for

I don't know how to start.
It is snowing.
I repeat, it is snowing.
It might not be as exciting for you as it is for me, but keep in mind I have never seen snow before.
DO YOU WANT TO BUILD A SNOWMAN? (Sorry,couldn't help it, the white things falling from the sky keep distracting me)

SO Thanksgiving break officially started a few hours ago. It is my first time celebrating thanksgiving, though I knew about this holiday I have never given much thought to it. Now that I think about it, this holiday seems important and unnecessary at the same time.Why unnecessary? Because you don't need a specific day to be thankful.Why important? Because we need to realize we take somethings for granted which should not be taken granted for.

What are you thankful for? Most people would say family or friends. I am thankful for my family and friends, thankful for the sleepless nights I have spent with my family just remembering the old days,but this thanksgiving I have a new thing to be grateful for.

This thanksgiving we had this online thing where we put the things I need and some family member will buy them for me. But I had to think like for 20 minutes to decide what I wanted, and it made me realize I don't NEED anything. I might WANT things, but they are just mere luxury. I mean,sure I want an iPhone 6,but do I ACTUALLY need it? No. When we actually think about what we need, it takes us a long time to decide (I mean,what object or stuff). Belonging in the middle class, I think most of our needs are emotional rather than objective. Having to THINK about what we need is something to be grateful for,don't you think?

Let's be thankful for the things we take for granted.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Falling Back Into It

It's been a long time since I spilled all my rumbles here, hasn't it?
Last Published: Aug 20, 2014.
Today's date: November 25,2014

I have been missing for a little over 3 months. Why? I don't know.
I can easily say I was busy, moving halfway across the world I needed time to settle down and stuff blah blah. That would not be lying, I was busy, but that's not the reason for my absence. I could easily write a few lines, but I did not feel like it (most of the time). Why? I don't know. Here is a fun fact about me: emotions do not come to powerfully or all at once, I literally need to sit down and think about what I am feeling and most of the time I am too lazy or too afraid to do it, and the voice behind my head leaves me with a numb feeling. Weird,eh? I know I am. And also I figured out that I have to think about what I feel just a few days ago. Go figure.


So, if you didn't know, I moved to United States this August (not that you care, but just sayin'). And as you can guess, my life has changed like the way the world changed during the Industrial Revolution (What? We are doing that in History now,don't blame me. Okay that was a lame reference.) So like, I plan on posting stuff about how it's different here, and also random things that come to my little head.(Because I want to be heard,remember?) Thanksgiving break starts tomorrow after half day school (Seriously? Can we NOT do the half day? I don't wanna wake up at 6;30 for only 3 classes). It is my first time celebrating thanksgiving, and guess how many people are coming over? GUESS. NO SERIOUSLY,GUESS. Okay, 62. Yes.BECAUSE  THAT'S HOW SOUTH EAST ASIANS ROLL. I have no idea how that MANY people are gonna fit in our house,but eh, you don't need a big house to have a(unnecessarily)  big heart,right? Don't tell my parents I said that.

My goals this thanksgiving:
-Blog regularly
-Get better in Maths (HA! As if)
-FINISH BLOOD OF OLYMPUS (Yes, I haven't read it yet,I just got the book today,so NO SPOILERS)

I wish everyone a very happy thanksgiving. Seriously,there is so much to be thankful for.

And O there are days in this life, worth life and worth death." -Charles Dickens 
