Wednesday, August 20, 2014


As you guys know, I have been in America for a while. What you probably don't know, is that I wear hijab/ headscarf Muslim girls wear. I really didn't know what to expect about people's reaction to it, but the uncertainty wasn't enough to stop me from doing what I believe. So anyways, the thing is I haven't had a bad experience yet, and I think its very unlikely. The thing about America, there's every kind of people here. From the most ordinary to the most strange, from Indians to Latins, America is home to everyone. It's so diverse, and I am not even in New York which I suspect the most diverse state. But as I said, there is all kind of people here, and it feels like America is a small version of the world, where every culture go side by side. Its something only America has. And what makes America special is that its not just ONE country. The diversity makes this country great.
Anyways, enough fangirling. Back to the main story. So I was going to the park with my younger cousins and we were coming out of the apartment a very nice gentleman held the door for us. We got into talking and he told me that he has been in the military and has traveled 20 countries. He said he knew about lots of cultures, especially Muslim culture as he has been in the middle east for a while. He said people here don't know why women wear that (pointing at my hijab) that's why some stare. I said I understood that but I really didn't see anyone staring (maybe I'm too ugly,LOL). He said that its not wise to question any religion or culture and I said I agreed. And I actually do agree, I think every religion & culture is beautiful in its very own way. And he was like "You should be in politics" and I was like "Me? Politics? Heh."
Then we LOL'D(is it even correct?)
Anyways, the nice man's name was Thomas, I told him my name and he said I had a beautiful name( my name is actually American no wonder its rare in Bangladesh).He had somewhere to go,so I bid him farewell.
I can't resist quoting my favourite writer here.
"We spend money to travel the ocean, but people around us contain ocean in their hearts & we never realize."* -Humayun Ahmed
*This quote was originally in Bengali, I translated it so there might be some mistakes.(I'm terrible at translation) Humayun Ahmed is my favourite writer ever,and if you have the time you can check out the novel In Blissful Hell, its not more than 100 pages,and you will not regret reading it. This man can create magic within 100 pages.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

People who run the country

In Dhaka,every morning you see thousands of women in the streets making their way to work. And with every step they take, Bangladesh takes a step towards becoming Bangladesh.

Bangladesh,with a very small amount of land & a LOADS of people,is one of the biggest clothing export country. Even with crappy political situation & filthy politicians ,what Bangladesh has achieved in these recent years is truly remarkable. And I must tell you no kind hearted politician is behind it. The people of Bangladesh are behind it.

I met a woman in the airport a few days ago when I was waiting for my flight. She is 30 something, unmarried , works in Oman as a maid. She has been working their for 2 years and only got one 2 months leave in these 2 years. She was looking for a certain airline and none of the staff was helping her. They were demanding money from here for no reason. There was contempt in their voice. She seemed really tensed. I have noticed this thing many times before. People who work in the middle east are often mistreated. Some obnoxious snobs think those people are good for nothing because they clean houses & works at the airport there. One thing they don't know,the remittance is what has kept the country running. They have sacrificed their families ,their homes just to ensure a better future for themselves, and a better future for their country. And the way they are treated is shameful. Same thing applies for garment workers. They are considered to be slaves and often disrespected. They might not be highly educated, but they are better than those educated ones who know how to rob the country and also be respected for it.

It is high time we realized who is running the country who and who is not. It is high time we gave respect to those who deserve it.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

About Dust & Shadows

Why I named Dust & Shadows,Dust & Shadows?Well,I am into books.Like I am a book-worm.And I read this special line,quote whatever you say in The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare.

"Pulvis Et Umbra Sumus. We are dust & shadows."
Since then,it kind of got stuck in my head.It is just one line,that says it all.That we were created from dust & we will go back to it.Our existence,its nothing,if compared to the age of the universe.That one day we will return to our real form,and there will be no one to remember us,there will be no proof that we ever existed.I guess John Green can explain it better than me.

“There will come a time when all of us are dead. All of us. There will come a time when there are no human beings remaining to remember that anyone ever existed or that our species ever did anything. There will be no one left to remember Aristotle or Cleopatra, let alone you. Everything that we did and built and wrote and thought and discovered will be forgotten and all of this will have been for naught. Maybe that time is coming soon and maybe it is millions of years away, but even if we survive the collapse of our sun, we will not survive forever. There was time before organisms experienced consciousness, and there will be time after. And if the inevitability of human oblivion worries you, I encourage you to ignore it. God knows that’s what everyone else does.” 

"Dust & Shadows" represent what's inevitable.What will erase everything about us,everything we ever did & everything we knew.It represents our ultimate result.

And this blog is like a journal to me.What will remain even when I'm gone.A little part of me.A part of me that will endure. Even when there is no me.


Leaving The Nest

You know,during winter,lots of birds from foreign country come to our country.Bangladesh's winter is pleasant,not too cold,not too warm,sunny & beautiful(okay maybe I am biased).People of Dhaka go to Jahangirnogor,outskirts of the capital,to stare at the birds like weirdos,because that's where most birds gather.We are so amused by it that try to feed the birds,poke the birds,even try to catch one for our young.The birds go back to their country after Winter is over,because Spring in Bangladesh is oh-so-hot.While we enjoy oogling(random word my friend made up) at those birds,we never think about it deeply.

Birds like the place they live in no matter how crappy it is,I suppose.But sometimes,it is essential to leave.They travel thousand & thousand miles across the globe.And the journey is not easy.They get killed,sometimes get electrocuted,also get eaten by cats.But they still carry on.They still carry on toward uncertainty in search of a better life.I have heard people say its great to watch them go.That its sort of a strange bird-ey signal when all at once,the birds decide to leave.

I have been procrastinating this post for a few days because I don't want to..confront it.Confront that I'm leaving.Leaving everything behind.That I'm leaving the nest.


(I leave for United States on the 8th of August,in search of a new life.
Who knows what will I encounter?Maybe I'll get eaten by a cat. )